Project Overview
In January 2015, the District’s Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) 5C passed a resolution in support of a new “Gateway” Segment of the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail that would provide a bike and pedestrian trail connection from Fort Lincoln and surrounding neighborhoods across the Anacostia River to join the Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens Segment of the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail. The Lincoln Connector Trail Project will provide that important connection in Wards 5 and 7.
The route requested by the ANC comprises approximately two miles, and begins at the intersection of Bladensburg Road NE and South Dakota Avenue NE. From there, it continues northeast along Fort Lincoln Drive NE and then departs the roadway to follow a Pepco utility corridor along the District of Columbia/Maryland border. As the trail approaches New York Avenue NE (US Route 50) and the Anacostia River, it turns to the southwest through an undeveloped area to intersect New York Avenue NE. The eastern terminus of the trail will fall in Maryland.
Currently, the project is in the feasibility study and concept development stage with alternative routes under study in addition to the ANC route. The preferred alternative connection determined by the feasibility study will be developed to a 15 percent preliminary design level, including any required environmental document. The project will also examine the feasibility for bike and pedestrian facilities along V Street NE between New York Avenue NE and Bladensburg Road.
Connection between revitalized neighborhoods and scenic trails along the Anacostia River